FEIM - Federation of Wood Industries of Spain sticky icon


The Federation of Wood Industries of Spain-FEIM, was founded in Madrid the 4th of October in 1996, with the aim of represent all the business association whose companies employ wood as a main raw material in the manufactured process. FEIM is also member of the Federation of the European Building Joinery Associations-FEMIB

Linked to the industries of second processing of timber, FEIM host fourteen business association. Overall attends nearly 200 companies with a great representative in the wood sector, distributed throughout Spain.


La Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Sanidad Ambiental (ANECPLA) ha colaborado en la redacción de la Norma, elaborada por el Comité Técnico de AENOR AEN/CTN 56 Madera y Corcho.
La Asociación de Fabricantes de Productos Afines a la Madera quiere ser el interlocultor válido para tratar sobre la instalación, mantenimiento, lijado y barnizado del parquet.
A través de la empresa MADEREA.
Dentro del marco de acciones de la nueva patronal UNEMADERA.
Al objeto de adaptar su estructura societaria a la realidad de la compañía.